There are several new books, reviews and articles that bring to our attention why it is critical for us to change how we think about women as decision makers in the business world. Research has repeatedly shown that businesses that have more women in leadership roles performed better than businesses with only men in leadership roles. Some key takeaways from all the research findings and writings that are available are,
Given all these pros, why are we not seeing a consistent rise in the number of women in leadership roles? Male dominated thinking cannot solve all the complex problems in front of us and there is plenty of evidence to show how it in fact it has destroyed millions of lives and several nations.
Women leaders are honest, smart, intelligent and as decisive as men. They are also very socially sensitive and collaborative, which are very rare qualities among men, but necessary to be good leaders and good decision makers.
- Women are just as data driven and analytical in their decision making as men. They consistently look for data and hard evidence to support the various options they are considering, though they are frequently accused of using their “instinct” or gut feel to make their decisions
- Women bring unique skills to decision making under stress. They are smart decision makers even under extreme stress
- Women seem to follow the principle, “You listen and learn from others’ and from their mistakes”. They entertain others’ ideas, experiences, opinions and lessons learnt before making their decision
- Women are very collaborative in their work environment. They want to ensure that there is buy-in for their decision from key stakeholders. Without that the best of decisions will not/cannot be implemented.
- Women have a higher level of social sensitivity than men. Social sensitivity is the key parameter that determines a teams’ collective intelligence. This is so essential for a team of leaders who have to make complex business decisions
Given all these pros, why are we not seeing a consistent rise in the number of women in leadership roles? Male dominated thinking cannot solve all the complex problems in front of us and there is plenty of evidence to show how it in fact it has destroyed millions of lives and several nations.
Women leaders are honest, smart, intelligent and as decisive as men. They are also very socially sensitive and collaborative, which are very rare qualities among men, but necessary to be good leaders and good decision makers.